The Great Outdoors

The great outdoors, a far away place for some. I enjoy the great outdoors. I love to camp, swim, walk, boat, hunt, fish, .... I have grown up watching my mother work in the garden during the summer and I have decided that now is the time for me to follow her lead and continue to enjoy the great outdoors in a new way. My mother has decided to completely tear out her flower gardens this year. If you knew my mother, you would understand that next year she will spend countless hours and money recreating these flower gardens. If mom isn't going to have beautiful flowers for me to sit and look at I am going to have to put in the labor and create my own oasis. Come along for the ride and see how a true novice makes it this year in the flower garden. Who knows, maybe I will even try vegetables next year.

Monday, May 24, 2010

It Finally Stopped Raining!!!

Rain, rain go away and come again another day. Well, it has finally gone away. The ground is still very moist, but the rain is gone for now. I will be spending quite a bit of time at work this week, but since the days are longer I will be able to work in the gardens during the evening hours.
I still have some plants that need to be planted in the ground. I need to get more potting soil and some plants from Memaw's and Mom's house, too. The plants that I have are doing great so far. They need some TLC and general attention before I am ready to post pictures. I feel that this blog and garden are going to be my saving grace this summer. There are now quite a few projects lined up at home for the summer months. The main project will remain the gardens. I hope that by the end of the summer between the gardens and the other home projects our house looks like a completely different place. This truly excites me and encourages me to be determined in any and every single project that I take on in life.
This week and next will prove to be interesting as my work project draws to a close and I gain the luxury of personal time at home. I look forward to spending time doing what I want to do and plan to post more regularly and frequently. Here's to the sunshine!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Finally Getting Started

Yes, you heard me correctly. I am finally getting started on the flower garden. I had no idea that it would be this expensive. I am really looking forward to a summer of working in the garden. The yard is already looking better. I have planted a variegated vine around the maple tree in the front yard. There are impatients ready to be planted in the front yard. They are red and white. I have one hosta planted on the left side of the front stairs and I plan to plant another on the other side as well. I have marigolds planted in large planters in the back yard and placed around the patio. Marigolds are known to repel insects. A moon plant vine is placed on the center post of my husband's workshop. This plant has beautiful and fragrant blossoms that bloom at night and then wilt away the next morning when the sun appears.
The garden is still growing and new things are going to be added. I am planning on going to my memaw's house this week and get some plants from her house and place in my garden. Many of her plants she has had for years and she doesn't even know the actual names. I will try to post some of the pictures later. The gardening has take a backseat to work lately. I have to finish up a project before I can pour myself into the gardening project. During the summer months work should prove to be less demanding. Peace, serenity, and relaxation are in my near future.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Discouraging Delays

Today is Saturday, the day that I was planning on purchasing many of the plants and actually really getting started. There has been a break in the rain, and yet the ground here at my house is still so soaked that I am not going to be able to do anything today. I am quite disappointed but I am going to enjoy spending the weekend with friends and family. I will be going later in the week when things start to dry and buy plants and planting materials. Rain is a good thing and right now an inconvenience.
This week calls for more rain and hopefully some sunshine and breezy days to dry the ground a little. This is going to be a productive week. I am hoping to post before and after pictures of my progress throughout this week. Sunshiny days to you all.